Friday, November 02, 2007

My Poor Car, Booty, and My Beasts

Warning: this is what your car may look like if your teenaged driver goes "deer hunting" on a Saturday night. The poor deer never had a chance! Everyone is OK, maybe a small bit of PTSD but I hope that won't last for long.

Unfortunately, I have been so preoccupied with getting repairs done along with doing mega flu shot clinics and caring for a sick son that I have been a bad pal and haven't posted about my booty yet. Here is a picture of what I received from Barb for the Booty Swap:

There's post-its with my initial, a shopping list magnet (I needed that btw), melon lotion, some needles, a hot pink hat, some hankies, and of course sock yarn which I have already cast on. I Love the colors! Thank you Barb so, so much!!

And I leave you with pictures of my ghouls on Halloween

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